Restricting Potassium Intake Linked to Faster Chronic Kidney Disease Progression

Restricting Potassium Intake Linked to Faster Chronic Kidney Disease Progression   A study by Tatsuya Suenaga and colleagues, published in Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, explored the association between potassium intake and the progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in a cohort of 4,314 Japanese patients tracked over five years. Using the...


How Much Water Should I Drink If I Have PKD?

How Much Water Should I Drink If I Have PKD? This wonderful video featuring Jacob Torres and Kelly Welsh covers the significance of hydration in maintaining kidney health and managing PKD symptoms. They cover key strategies for managing PKD including understanding the role of cyclic AMP in cyst formation and...


Neue klinische Studie zeigt, dass ketogene Ernährung die GFR bei Menschen mit PKD verbessern kann

Neue klinische Studie zeigt, dass ketogene Ernährung die GFR bei Menschen mit PKD verbessern kann Die KETO-ADPKD-Studie ist ein Meilenstein auf dem Gebiet der Nephrologie und Ernährung und zeigt eine verbesserte Nierenfunktion, die sich in einem statistisch signifikanten Anstieg der eGFR bei Menschen mit PKD zeigt, die eine ketogene Diät anwenden. Diese Forschung trägt dazu...


Managing PKD: How Much Protein is Safe?

Managing PKD: How Much Protein is Safe? Discover the Crucial Role of Protein in Managing PKD Understanding Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) goes beyond genetics—it's also crucial to master your diet.


PKD Inheritance Questions With Jacob Torres, PhD & Kelly Welsh, RD

PKD Inheritance Questions With  Jacob Torres, PhD & Kelly Welsh, RD Discover the Intricacies of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a complex condition that affects thousands each year, yet remains largely misunderstood.
